Are you part of the LGBT community?

10 LGBT Dating Websites!

Single? Want to find a partner but don’t know where to look? Stress no more! Below is 10 LGBT dating websites! You can find anyone from a lifetime partner, to a casual date! Under each link is a little description of what you’ll find on the site.

Psychographics (Mercedes)

Oh Lord! Won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz! The commercial I have linked to is by Mercedes Benz, obviously. πŸ˜› Psychographics are “the use if psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors. to determine how the market is segmented by the propensity of groups within the market – and their reasons – to make a particular decision about a product, person ideology, and otherwise hold an attitude or use a medium.” Mercedes shows this very well in this commercial.

The commercial has many different models and years of Mercedes in it, then at the end it shows their new model. Mercedes is thought of as a very good brand of vehicle. It has had this reputation for years. That’s why I think they put so many of their older models in this commercial. It reminds people of how good of a vehicle they make.

Personality (Snickers)

Yes, I know. I’ve already done a post on Snickers. But this commercial has Betty White in it! BETTY WHITE! πŸ™‚ Anyway. One’s personality is what a “person’s unique psychological makeup is and how it consistently influences the way a person responds to her environment.” As I said in my previous post, Snickers is very good at showing the different parts to someone’s personality.

This commercial guys playing football and Betty White is playing with them. We find out that this really isn’t Betty White, but another one of the guys’ friends. One guy says that he isn’t playing like normal, that he’s playing like Betty White. Then he gives him a Snickers. After he eats it, he turns back into his normal self.

Actual Self (Geico)

The commercial I have linked to, Geico shows an old dude who has got the “swag”. This man has gold chains, a nice house, a nice lawn, a good TV, nice tennis shoes, a new wife, etc RussianCupid login. He got the money to get all the stuff to give him the “swag” by switching to Geico, and if you switch, you could have all the “swag” too.

The ideal self is a “person’s conception of how he would like to be,” where as the actual self refers to our “more realistic appraisal of the qualities we do and don’t have.” The actual self refers to the old dude in the commercial, and the ideal self refers to the people who want to by like the old dude in the commercial.

Ideal Self (Toyota)

In the commercial I have linked to, Toyota shows interviews with famous football players, asking them about their fathers. Each one is saying how their father is a great person and when they were young they wanted to be like their fathers, which is their ideal self. They also interviewed the players children and asked about their fathers. Their children, I feel, are another contributing factor to the players ideal self, because they want to be good fathers to their children.

The definition of ideal self is a “person’s conception of how he would like to be,” which is the opposite of the actual self, ” our more realistic appraisal of the qualities we do and don’t have.”

Social Media (T-Mobile)

The commercial I have linked is from T-Mobile. It is about how on other cellular carriers, besides T-Mobile, you could lose your data that you’ve paid for. And if you don’t have enough data, you might not be able to go on your preferred social media platforms and see Kim Kardashian and see her makeup, backhand, outfits, vacations, and outfits! :O Oh no! Wouldn’t want to miss out on that!

Conformity (Rent-A-White-Man)

The commercial I have linked is for black people who feel like they can’t do things because the public views them as criminals or bad people. They feel like they need a white man with them to validate their legitimacy in public. They feel like they need a white man to conform (a change in beliefs or actions as a reaction to real or imagined group pressure) to what the public views as good or right.

I know this commercial is joking and funny, but I personally don’t like the message. As someone who has felt the pressure of people wanting me to conform, I don’t think that people should have to conform just to make the public feel more comfortable with them. Be you, because you are amazing!