More than just a compensation plan expert, Jay is exceptionally skilled at advising new and established companies on business strategies. Before offering advice or solutions, he asks important questions to understand each client’s specific concerns and goals. Along the way while working with them, he learned the secrets of successful direct selling companies and the challenges faced by them. In true entrepreneurial spirit, Jay’s decision in 1999 to start Sylvina Consulting as a direct selling consulting company was driven by what he saw was a need for answers, advice, and solutions. This startup guide contains 250 pages of wisdom that will guide you through the right steps to start and continue on your journey to build a successful direct selling company.

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  • Business cards show you are a professional and serious about your business.
  • Effective business cards are colorful and well-designed to catch the eye.
  • Keep some in your pockets, wallet, money clip or laptop bag so the next time you encounter a prospect you are prepared.
  • This segues into a showdown of male ego as they flaunt their expensively made, yet largely indistinguishable, cards.

Digital business cards are more easily accessible and shareable than traditional paper cards and will soon become the go-to for exchanging contact information. Make the most of the benefits of using this traditional marketing approach to go beyond just handing out your number to potential customers. A person that receives a poor-quality business card may think you’re not detail-oriented, or that you’re not the type of person that goes the extra mile to please a customer. Check out the variety of options and tools offered here to design and print high-quality business cards. Although you might think that in a digital age business cards are outdated, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Despite all the technological advancements, business cards are still relevant today no matter if you are a small business, online business or large enterprise.

Business Cards Go Digital

You’ve probably been in the business and sales world for a while and understand that, even in today’s difficult times, face-to-face networking is hugely important. It’s easy to throw a business card into a folder and forget about it. But in order to make it count, you need to go above and beyond the initial exchange. Business cards don’t still exist because of some warped sense of tradition or nostalgia; it’s because they continue to add value to the networking experience.

They Are Great Tools For Marketing And Promotions

Digital cards produce no waste and reduce your carbon footprint. Business cards are one of those time-tested tools and you can never go wrong when using them. Handing a business card to someone will never offend them, no matter what their culture is. However, knowing your business card etiquette is important when handing out business cards.

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There is also the risk of the cards being lost or damaged. In other words, we are much less likely to lose our phones than we are a piece of paper. The use of business cards has decreased so much that it’s starting to become difficult to find somewhere to print business cards in Perth. Do you stil carry contact cards when you attend networking functions?

As we shift towards a world of digital goods and virtual interfaces, the DNA of a tactile business card is quickly unravelling. Augmented reality tags are emblazoned on cards so that 3D objects — either the face of the employee or the products being promoted — emerge when viewed with an app. Professional social network service LinkedIn makes it easier to share contacts in person using Bluetooth while newer sites like HiHelloand Contxts allow users to create virtual business cards. But, while virtual or online networking has been expanding, it hasn’t taken the place of face-to-face networking.

Digital Marketing

For more on business card design best practices, check out this infographic from The Muse. Most of us in business are aware of the importance of branding and consistency across our marketing channels. Everything from your logo and colours to fonts and writing style should remain consistent if you’re going to be even somewhat successful atbuilding a brand. The business cards that are most relevant in 2020 are the ones that go outside the box.