financial futures market

In particular, it examines the nature and evolution of competing markets and the specific regulatory environments in which they operate. Some traders like trading futures because they can take a substantial position while putting up a relatively trading platform small amount of cash. That gives them greater potential for leverage than just owning the securities directly. Black, Merton and Scholes thus laid the foundation for the rapid growth of markets for derivatives in the last ten years.

In general, the U.S. regulatory regime does not appear to have been a significant factor in the loss of U.S. market share relative to total world trading volume. There exist no examples of a foreign futures exchange developing while a similar domestic contract was being reviewed by the CFTC.

There must be someone who comes to market in order to take on risk. These are the “speculators.” Speculators come to market to take risk, and to make money doing it. Some speculators, against all odds, have become phenomenally wealthy by trading futures. Interestingly, even the wealthiest speculators often report having gone broke one or more times in their career. Because speculation offers the promise of astounding riches with little apparent effort, or the threat of devastating losses despite even the best efforts, it is often compared to casino gambling. As market forces shook the foundations of global financial stability, businesses wrestled with heretofore unimagined challenges.

So, this is something that they did in Dojima, they had men called watermen, who came out with buckets of water. And they would throw the buckets of water on anyone who was still trading. And the futures markets are just sophisticated markets that help that process. So, I’m going to start with agricultural futures in talking about this.

When the futures curve is in backwardation, somebody is still going to be storing oil, right? So, suppose I have a factory, and my factory depends on oil, because I use it to burn, to produce whatever we make. Am I going to let my warehouse, my storage tank of oil go dry? No, I’m going to need some, just because we might need more than we think. So, that means, I actually have negative storage costs. The price of oil as of last Friday, on the nearest month future, was selling at $101 a barrel. This is part of the crisis now around the world.

Futures Contract Regulations

I have a particular interest–I’ve been interested in futures markets myself for many years. And wondering, why they’re not even bigger and more important. So, in 1993, I wrote a book called Macro Markets, about let’s make our markets bigger and more important, and more pervasive. Settlement may require the delivery of the stock certificates, or it may be cash settled. The owner of a single stock futures contract has no ownership interest in the company, has no voting rights, and receives no dividends. There are also mini-contracts, with smaller multipliers, that correspond to some of the more popular indexes. In fact, one of these is the E-mini S&P 500 Futures, which is the most actively traded stock index futures contract.

Beating The Financial Futures Market

The clearing house becomes the buyer to each seller, and the seller to each buyer, so that in the event of a counterparty default the clearer assumes the risk of loss. This enables traders to transact without performing due diligence on their counterparty. To mitigate the risk of default, the product is marked to market on a daily basis where the difference between the initial agreed-upon price and the actual daily futures price is re-evaluated daily. This is sometimes known as the variation margin, where the futures exchange will draw money out of the losing party’s margin account and put it into that of the other party, ensuring the correct loss or profit is reflected daily. If the margin account goes below a certain value set by the exchange, then a margin call is made and the account owner must replenish the margin account.

I’m guessing that has something to do with the crisis in the Middle East, that the people who trade in these markets are thinking, that the crisis will be over by then and prices will start coming down. So, we’re seeing contango here, and backwardation here. I’m using a simple definition of contango and backwardation. There’s more subtle definitions, but we’ll keep it simple.

This equation always holds, because, as this contract matures, the time to the expiration date goes down. And eventually, it hits 0 on the expiration date.

What is call and put in futures?

There are only two kinds of options: Call options and put options. A call option is an offer to buy a stock at the strike price before the agreement expires. A put option is an offer to sell a stock at a specific price.

If, on the day of expiration, the stock price rises to $36 per share, then you’ve earned a total of $600 on an investment of $600 — a 100% increase. Because the margin in a futures account is really a performance bond, no money is actually borrowed, and, thus, no interest accrues. If you had paid for the stock entirely, then your rate of return would have been only 20% for a much larger investment. Security futures includes single stock futures, narrow-based index futures, and exchange-traded fund futures . Established by law for all security futures is an initial margin and maintenance margin requirement of 20%, although the customer’s broker or futures commission merchant may set a higher margin requirement. OneChicago is the main exchange for security futures, which are traded only electronically. Generally, security futures can be traded from either a brokerage account or a futures account.

  • Speculation, however, is a side effect of the futures market.
  • Futures trading is especially common with commodities.
  • The main reason is that it can allow traders to make much, much larger bets than they could otherwise.
  • Financial futures contracts are typically paper assets, whereas physical futures are commodities.
  • Traders first developed futures contracts as a way to stabilize prices, particularly in the often-uncertain world of agriculture.

regulatory systems and compared these to the U.S. report focuses, as did the earlier study, on the competitiveness of organized U.S. exchanges with their counterparts abroad, examining both floor-based and electronic trading systems.


The symbol for the contracts is followed by another letter and number. The letter represents the month the futures contract expires, and the number represents the year of expiration. For example, ES contracts expire in March , June , September , and December .

By doing so, they reduce their risk and guarantee they will receive the fixed price. If the price of corn decreased, the company would have a gain on the hedge to offset losses from selling the corn at the market. With such a gain and loss offsetting each other, the hedging effectively locks in an acceptable market price. Futures are financial contracts obligating the buyer to purchase an asset or the seller to sell an asset and have a predetermined future date and price. The growth of the futures market has changed the nature of supply problems. Add futures market to one of your lists below, or create a new one.

financial futures market

So, it seems like there’s some speculative element that took place. See ultimately, oil is stored in the ground, and it’s owned by people, and they have to decide how to develop it and how fast to produce it and sell it. And there were some quick changes of thinking around then, that surprised everyone, I think. But then, if you go forward in time, you see this interesting pattern here.

Financial futures are usually cash settled futures without any physical delivery upon maturity. This means that upon expiration, the long and short settle their wins and losses in cash without the need to actually trade the underlying. However, with the exception of index futures, almost all other kinds of financial futures has offered physically settled versions. Index futures can never be physically settled due to the fact that an index is simply a number and not made up of any physical assets.